Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Its time to change

Scene 1: Cricket match cancelled bcoz of rain even though the board knows that its rainy season and no refunds.

Reaction in TN : Sleeping
Other states : They raise hell

Scene 2: Set top box introduced and still in place in TN, only in chennai

Reaction in TN : Sleeping
Other states : They raise hell

Scene 3: Arjun singh announces more quota system

Reaction in TN : Sleeping
Other states : They raise hell

Scene n : Something which affects the people happens

Reaction in TN : Still sleeping
Other states : They get what they want

Why is dat d people of TN, never fight for their rites. Is it bcoz, v r used to it or r v trying maintain an image of sophistication??? Only time vil answer.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tough time ahead!!!!!

Well, the elections are finally over and MK has come out smelling roses. However, the question is how long bfore the thorns come into picture. MK might have won the election and formed the Govt., but he still has a long way to go. I think he will be using all his political expertise in these five years.

Amma might be out of St.George's fort, but she will be back with a vengenance. The AIADMK has emerged as a very strong opposition in this election. She will be ready to bounce back to power as soon as possible. The main problem MK will face is his party's relationship with Congress. The Congress has formed Govt. in central and pondy and the DMK forming Govt. in TN. Well, this probably will become a classic example for a political deadlock. Imagine what amma will say if the MK Govt. fails to bring any good scheme to TN. She will have a blast asking MK why his Govt. can't do anything with 13 ministers in the center. MK will have to put in a very good balance act to maintain his relation with the congress in state and center and at the same time save his Govt. from criticism. I think this tenure will bring in the best political moves from MK.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Its all in the game